• Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork" strategy

The Farm-to-Fork strategy, being an essential part of the European Green Deal (EGD), aims at accelerating the transition toward sustainable food systems that can ensure food security while reducing food systems' environmental and climate footprint and increasing their resilience at the same time. Many EU working documents emphasise the benefi ts of the EGD strategy for the farmers, food industry, and consumers; however, it is also reported that the strategy may have negative impacts on European agriculture, including a reduction in agricultural production and a decrease in the income of agricultural producers.

Podtytuł Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork" strategy
Autor Wawrzyniec Czubak, Karolina Pawlak, Pavel Kotyza (eds.)
Rok wydania 2023
Oprawa Miękka
Format 165x235
Stron 212
80,00 zł 54,40 zł
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ISBN 978-83-8102-808-0
The Farm-to-Fork strategy, being an essential part of the European Green Deal (EGD), aims at accelerating the transition toward sustainable food systems that can ensure food security while reducing food systems' environmental and climate footprint and increasing their resilience at the same time. Many EU working documents emphasise the benefi ts of the EGD strategy for the farmers, food industry, and consumers; however, it is also reported that the strategy may have negative impacts on European agriculture, including a reduction in agricultural production and a decrease in the income of agricultural producers.
On the one hand, due to production scale and age constraints, small farms managed by young farmers could be strongly affected by the consequences of Green Deal strategies. On the other hand, a long-term business perspective, as well as human capital, are crucial factors affecting the successful implementation of the Farm-to-Fork strategy. Both issues are embodied in young farmers. The general idea of the book is to identify the long-term viability of small farms managed by young farmers under the Farm-to-Fork strategy in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Lithuania.
The conducted research allowed us to determine the role of young farmers and small farms in the agricultural sectors of the analysed countries. Production and economic situation, as well as the level and forms of public support dedicated to those farms in order to improve their market position and socio-economic sustainability, were discussed. The potential development prospects of small farms run by young farmers were also presented. To sum up, some recommendations were formulated for economic practice and agricultural policy decision-makers regarding good practices of cooperation in the food supply chain and the instruments used to support the surveyed group of farms.
The book is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in the issues of small farms run by young farmers, opportunities and challenges related to their sustainable development, and agricultural policies aimed at this group of actors in the food supply chain. This book may also be of interest to academic staff and students of economic and agricultural programmes of studies, as well as farmers and their representatives and decision-makers in the fi eld of agricultural policy.

Introduction - Karolina Pawlak 9

1. European Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork strategy in the context of EU agricultural policy - Pavel Kotyza 15
1.1. The European Green Deal 17
1.1.1. Components of the European Green Deal 19
1.1.2. 'Fit for 55' legislation package 23
1.1.3. The EGD in the light of current research 26
1.2. Farm-to-Fork strategy 28
1.3. The CAP 2023+ reform 41
1.4. Concluding remarks 46

2. The role of small farms and young farmers in agriculture of analysed countries - Karolina Pawlak 49
2.1. Farm structure by area groups of agricultural land 49
2.2. Farm structure by economic size classes 57

3. Production potential and economic results of small farms in agriculture of analysed countries - Wawrzyniec Czubak 63
3.1. Farm structure 63
3.2. The production potential of small farms 67
3.3. Farms' economic performance 69
3.4. Efficiency of agricultural resources 72

4. The role of CAP measures in supporting young farmers - Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Ilona Kiaušienė, Jurgita Zaleckienė 79
4.1. Challenges and prerequisites of financial support for farmers 79
4.2. Financial support system for young farmers 84

5. The redistributive function of CAP in supporting small-scale young farmers in the analysed countries - Pavel Kotyza, Patrik Rovný 93
5.1. Methodology 95
5.2. Distribution of land among young farmers 97
5.3. Comparison of young farmer payments in selected countries 99
5.4. Concluding remarks 102

6. Horizontal and vertical integration as factors enhancing farm competitiveness in the analysed countries 105
6.1. Factors stimulating and inhibiting integration - Karolina Pawlak, Wawrzyniec Czubak 105
6.2. Development of agricultural producer groups and the role of CAP support - Pavel Kotyza, Dávid Červený, Karolina Pawlak, Wawrzyniec Czubak, Sándor Nagy, Krisztián Kis, Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Jurgita Zaleckienė, Ilona Kiausienė 110
6.3. Driving forces and effects of horizontal integration in the supply chain: farmers' experiences - Krisztián Kis, Sándor Nagy 139
6.4. The role of social capital in shaping the integration processes of young farmers - Krisztián Kis, Sándor Nagy 147

7. Development prospects for small farms run by young farmers - the evidence from selected countries 155
7.1. Determinants of development for farms run by young farmers: economic, social, environmental and political factors - Zdeňka Náglova, Patrik Rovný, Wawrzyniec Czubak, Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Jurgita Zaleckienė, Ilona Kiausienė, Krisztián Kis, Sándor Nagy 156
7.2. Opportunities for development of non-agricultural activities - Zdeňka Náglova 167
7.3. Future plans for young farmers' small farms - Zdeňka Náglova 170
7.4. Expectations of young farmers running small farms towards the agricultural policy - David Brož, Milan Jurky, Wawrzyniec Czubak, Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Jurgita Zaleckienė, Ilona Kiausienė, Sándor Nagy, Krisztián Kis 173
7.5. SWOT of operations and development of young farmers' running small farms - Wawrzyniec Czubak 184

Summary - Wawrzyniec Czubak 189
References 195

Reviewed by:
Marek Wigier, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute
Sebastian Stępień, PhD, Associate Professor, Poznań University of Economics and Business

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