- Kategorie
Practical management of decision problems in regional organization. Case study: Final product management

Part I of this book focuses on the management of the level of development of Final Products generated in the regions, while Part II covers the measurement, evaluation, and management of the level of development of Final Products. The content of the book is, on the one hand, closely related to the field of Management and Economics. On the other hand, it deals with the application of modern statistics procedures in all situations involving analyses and summaries of data related to the level of development of Final Products to facilitate the decision-making procedure under conditions of uncertainty and help scientists make decisions on measurement, evaluation, and management of the level of development of Final Products in all fields of science, thus increasing the efficiency based on the adopted goals in the real world. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the new procedure of assessing the Final Product development constitutes a continuation of various past scientific works which is applied while assessing deviations in the level of development of objects in various fields of science, e.g., a patient's health in medicine or the level of pollution in the natural environment. 1. To take the action of the decision 2. The whole process happens based on the goals 3. This procedure was applied in assessing the level of health and also the cleanness of the environment
Wysyłka w ciągu | 24 godziny |
Kod kreskowy | |
ISBN | 978-83-8102-570-6 |
EAN | 9788381025706 |
Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the new procedure of assessing the Final Product development constitutes a continuation of various past scientific works which is applied while assessing deviations in the level of development of objects in various fields of science, e.g., a patient's health in medicine or the level of pollution in the natural environment.
1. To take the action of the decision
2. The whole process happens based on the goals
3. This procedure was applied in assessing the level of health and also the cleanness of the environment
Preface 9
Part I
Management the level of development of the Final Products in the Regions
Chapter 1
Region management 15
1.1. Local government reform with the end of communism 15
1.2. Definition of the local self-government 16
1.3. Satisfying the needs of residents in the regions 18
1.4. Tasks assigned to the voivodeship self-government 19
1.5. The local community as a subject of self-government 21
1.6. The concept of New Public Management (NPM 24
1.7. Another model of improving management in the public sphere 25
1.8. The basic knowledge to support management in the regions 28
1.9. The experiences of developed European regions 29
1.10. Regional benchmarking 30
1.11. The present structures of many countries 33
1.12. Management of the region 34
Chapter 2
Management of change in the local government unit 43
2.1. Case study City Hall office in Dzierżoniów 43
2.2. Introducing changes in modern organization 50
2.3. The management staff of the office 53
2.4. Implementation of organizational innovation 54
2.5. Summary - conclusions 59
Chapter 3
Evaluation of promotional activities in the local self-government unit 61
3.1. Local governments, as public institutions - Management with 4P 61
3.2. The services provided by the commune 63
3.3. The beginning of territorial marketing in Poland 64
3.4. Promotional campaign 66
3.5. The freedom in the execution of activities by local governments 68
3.6. Self-promotion as a form of direct contact 70
3.7. Public relation 72
3.8. Internet marketing 73
3.9. Questionnaire Survey 74
Bibliography for chapters 1, 2, 3 78
Part II
Measurement and assessment the levels of development of the Final Products
Chapter 4
Management the development level of health in conditions of uncertainty 83
4.1. Managerial of medical treatment 83
4.1.1. Statement the meaning of development level of health in connection with "failure" 83
4.1.2. Measurement, evaluation and management of the level of development 85
4.1.3. Medical treatment mix with patient's state of health - DMT - "M1" 86
4.1.4. Construction of the S Model as a basic mathematical model within the medical treatment mix 88
4.2. Level of development 89
4.3. Adaptation of the Characteristics Values "CV" typical to FAM to detect the development 90
4.4. The earlier Characteristics Values range of 4M of Management the Manufacturing as extendable of FAM's 7M to manage the level of development 90
4.5. New changes in recent development with 4D and 4P 91
4.6. Areas of the Levels authorities and Responsibilities 92
4.7. Making a decision 94
4.8. Practical side of medical treatment management the development level of health in conditions of uncertainty 95
4.8.1. Aim of the work 96
4.8.2. Management in the somatic sphere treatment basing on Simultaneous Model S with management towards Protection against Failure - MPF 99
4.8.3. System TAHL - causal-and-effect level 100
Chapter 5
The problem of of production an advances developmental vegetable oil 103
5.1. Historical evolution of Fail Assessment Method - FAM 103
5.2. Assessing the development level and making a decision with FAM based on the S Model 105
5.3. Development level indicator 108
5.4. Adaptation of the Characteristics Values "CV" typical to FAM to detect the development level 109
5.5. The earlier Characteristics Values range of 4M - Management the Manufacturing as extendable of FAM's 7M to manage the Level of Development 109
5.6. Extension and modification the characteristics of FAM's 7M into 4M referring as current practical usage 111
5.7. Typical characteristics to distinguish the development level - DL with the Marketing Mix 111
5.8. Technical and economic level of the developing product 113
5.9. Characteristics Values "CV" - technical quality & economic state in reality 115
5.10. Indicators of practical confirmation of the development level 118
5.11. Characteristics Values in the „S Rule" as a basic mathematical Model 121
Bibliography for chapters 4 and 5 123
About the Authors 127
Dr hab. Eng., prof. of the university - researcher, at present 2022 head of the Department of Organization and Management of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. A graduate of the University of Economics in Wrocław, she also obtained a PhD in economics there and a postdoctoral degree in economic sciences at the University of Economics in Katowice. She cooperates with many foreign universities. In 2006-2007 she was the head of two postgraduate studies: Auditor of EU-financed Projects and Financial Management in EU-financed Projects. Author/co-author of over 200 publications. She completed many research internships abroad (e.g. University of Zurich, Coesfeld, Vienna, Thessaloniki, Aveiro).
Dr, a graduate of the University of Gdańsk, PhD thesis defended at the University of Wrocław. Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the College of Management and Entrepreneurship in Wałbrzych in 1996-2004 (co-founder of the University). President of the "Zamek Książ" Company in the years 2004-2011. Member of the Management Board of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship in the years 2011-2014. From 2014, assistant professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Management at the Wrocław University of Technology. Author and co-author of the Development Strategy for the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2020, Development Strategies and Reports on the condition of several municipalities, as well as development and marketing strategies for enterprises (e.g. for: Electrolux Poland, Ronal Group, Elektrotim S.A.). For 25 years he has been dealing with consulting, conducting marketing and social opinion research (e.g. for Toyota). Lecturer at the Viadrina University in Frankfurt, the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Southern Denmark.
MS, citizen of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the academic year 2015/2016 obtained a master's degree in chemical sciences at the University of Khartoum. From 2019 until now, preparing an interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation in the field of food analytics in the area of broadly understood analytical chemistry as part with the MPF conception - Management towards Protection against Failures for the decision making in a vegetable oil production company in Saudi Arabia.
Dr, since 2016 a lecturer at the Private Higher Vocational School in Wrocław in the field of Electro radiology, in the topics of: Magnetic Resonance, Computed Tomography and Breast Imaging Diagnostics. 2017 - defense of the doctoral dissertation "The usefulness of multi-slice computed tomography in the assessment of advancement and response to treatment of Hodgkin's moth in children and young adults" (supervisor: Prof. Urszula Zaleska-Dorobisz) from 2018 - Employee of the Medical University of Wrocław, Department of Radiology, Department of General and Pediatric Radiology as an assistant; I am currently conducting research on fractal structures in oncological imaging diagnost.
Nationality LIBYAN Bachelor of Science in Accounting 2005-2009, Master of Science in finance and Accounting SGH Warsaw School of Economics 2017-2020 Preparing to apply for PHD in one of the Economics Universities in Poland. The research plan titled "The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth".
Prof. Marian Noga; Director of the Institute of Business Cooperation, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu - WSB Banking University
Dr inż. Osama Mohammed Elmardi - Uniwersytet Doliny Nilu, Atbara, Sudan
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